5 Self-Care Summer Tips

5 Self-Care Summer Tips

Summer is the time when the days slow down, and you have time to really value your time. It is crucial to include self-care during these fleeting summer months into your repertoire. You don’t have to go on dreamy vacations or be crushing workouts to still fill your summertime cup. There are other ways to set aside time for yourself to recharge your batteries to help propel you for the rest of the year.

1. Workout Refresh

Summer is the perfect time to break out of your fitness rut. Take your routine outdoors and enjoy the rays. Do sun salutations outside to greet the day. Why not ditch the treadmill and go for a walk instead? Hiking is also a great way to enjoy the warmer weather and bright sunshine. Plus, you may have the opportunity to explore an undiscovered part of your city. This American Discovery Trail guide will help you find a new hiking trail near you. 

2. Take a Summer Break

Remember the feeling of the last bell ringing on the final day of school? It was pure excitement and bliss because you knew vacation was right around the corner. Unfortunately, many of us can’t get two months off work in the summer; however, we can still apply the same freedom mentality. Summer is the reminder that work is a part of your life but not its entirety. Use your PTO. This could be a long weekend with friends or a mental health day to just sleep in. If your PTO bank is dry, turn every weekend into your own mini-vacation (or staycation) to make every weekend feel like an adventure.

3. Eat Fresheat fresh this summer

Another self-care summer tip is to spend more time sourcing your food. Your body will begin to crave lighter meals during the warm months. Take advantage of all the gorgeous produce in their prime: plump, juicy tomatoes, sun-sweetened strawberries, crisp corn, etc. Don’t skip out on all the beautiful herbs as well. Have you been itching to try tarragon but just didn’t know how? Now is the time to slow down and try some new recipes. Bonus points for meals that add more water-rich foods to your diet for extra hydration. These include watermelon, cucumber and zucchini. 

4. Ditch the Tech

Summer brings festivals, fairs, sidewalk sales and many different outdoor activities. This means spending more time tech-free. Ditch the Netflix binge and read a book instead. When was the last time you visited your local library? Why not take a leisurely stroll there and grab some lunch on the way? Another option is, instead of posting on social media, to go out with friends without your phone. When was the last time you didn’t end a night with photographic evidence of the occasion and just the memory of the experience? Challenge yourself to really connect this summer without technology.

5. Fuel Your Body Efficiently

With more walking, vacationing, and all the added activities that summer brings, it is essential to efficiently restore valuable nutrients in your body. This includes adding easy on-the-go hydration, energy or restorative routine. LivPur jam packs superfood nutrition into easy-to-use sticks to do just that. All you need is water. A healthy lifestyle should be accessible and approachable, and we deliver just that.

Other Self-Care Summer Tips

 Did we miss any self-care summer tips that you use during this time of year? Reach out to us on our social platforms and let us know! We would love to hear how you refill your cup during the summer months.  

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